On The Way Out, good post.
"Society doesn't insist that white Americans look down upon themselves for the mistakes their race's people may have committed in the past."
You are wrong. What the vast majority of modern Americans want is that white people stay quiet and accept their responsibility concerning racial issues and racial wrongs. Whites have to acknowledge their racism...past and/or present. They cannot publically voice pride in their race, skin color or heritage. They can do it in private or in the company of other like-minded folk, but to say it publically immediately brands them as racists. There the conversation stops. Once you're accused of racism, most people stop listening to you. It's an easy tool
(I know the phrase "like-minded folk" is going to get me called a white militant or supremist)
"The important thing to do is to recognize what is right and not glorify our racial heritage of taking the natives' land and enslaving another race"
Absolutely. The white race has had more than their fair share of black marks (not a racial comment) in history. A lot to be ashamed of. BUT.. no race is innocent. Every race on the face and in the history of earth has discriminated against, enslaved and killed others who weren't like them. The white race hasn't cornered the market on it
"When you say "society wants" you to hang your head in disgrace, you are probably listening too much to hatred from other groups"
What I'm listening to is America. The voice of the people. Are you saying I should ignore it? Give that same advice to every other racial group. See how that goes over
"The average black man doesn't hate you for being white."
I absolutely agree. Just as the average white doesn't hate a black or an average hispanic doesn't hate an Asian.
Racism exists. People need to talk about it. The discussion needs to be heard, and listened to, from all sides